Therapie | 210 25th Ave N suite 601, Nashville, TN 37203 | Call: (615) 551 9195

Career Counseling

Overworked And Overwhelmed?

Ugh, the daily grind. In our modern world of glass-ceiling standards and constant connectivity, work stress is real. Forget the fairytale promises of job security, professional satisfaction, and confidence-boosting shoulder pads that we were sold as kids—adulting is hard! 

What’s Your Experience?

Whether you lack meaningful work-life balance, don’t like what you’re doing to make ends meet, or are beginning to question your career trajectory altogether, it’s possible your professional and personal identities are, as they say, “not synergizing.” 

Maybe you’re regularly anxious about your output. Sure, your attendance is good, you meet your deadlines, and you’re generally succeeding in your role. Yet something is challenging your confidence—be it your boss’s passive-aggressive emails, the inner voice that dwells over every last detail, or your suspicion that the smarmy new intern has his eyes on your job. 

Some weeks at the office feel like years, and the motivation you once had to succeed is quickly dwindling—especially since the pandemic. You’ve been juggling so many personal and professional responsibilities for years now, which has left you drained of your energy and wondering what you need to do to feel that proverbial fire under your ass that everyone is always talking about.

Feeling this way prevents you from relaxing even when you’re off the clock, as you constantly question what you could be doing to be more secure in your professional status. And now that you’re even more worried about work, it leaves even less time for your relationships, hobbies, and the other things that make life worth living. 

Whether you’re questioning your future in your current position or reconsidering your career altogether, you’re in search of a job that doesn’t rob you of the will to live—a simple ask, right? So then why does it feel so dang hard to accomplish?

At Therapie, career counseling is all about making your job fit your life, and not the other way around. As a practice that specializes in counseling for working professionals, we are no strangers to the grind and have helped countless folks navigate their careers to greater fulfillment. We’re not your dad’s tweed-jacketed career counselor; this work is totally our jam!

As our therapists collaborate with you to identify your workplace values—clarifying what role your job is playing and what you want it to ultimately provide in your life—you can radically transform your relationship with your work. 

Interested in career counseling? Send us a message!

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They Don’t Call It A Grind For Nothing

The bootstrap, nose-to-the-grindstone mentality that is so central to American attitudes about work greatly contributes to extreme feelings of stress and burnout. Our culture’s emphasis on productivity creates an often unhealthy hustle mentality that, by definition, keeps us from slowing down, taking time to rest, and evaluating if working is how we really want to spend our one wild, precious life. This is made worse by social media’s “comparison trap,” which often causes us to feel like we’re falling behind our peers. 

Luckily, career paths tend to be more flexible and nuanced than what previous generations experienced. It’s less common for people to spend their entire career in the same role or profession, and there are more options for education, training, and part-time “gig” work to expand our skillsets. 

That said, Gen Z and Millennials have faced more economic collapse and uncertainty in their lifetimes than their parents. Imposter syndrome—or the idea that despite checking every box, one isn’t worthy of professional success—is real among these generations, as work- and identity-related anxieties are steadily on the rise. 

So many of us are feeling pulled between achieving career stability and ensuring that our personal lives and relationships are functioning at their highest potential. Caught somewhere in the middle of the work-life imbalance, it can be hard to determine where the societal expectation of success ends and our individual, authentic objectives begin. Fortunately, counseling is a meaningful way to challenge unrealistic expectations and find clarity on the path to career fulfillment.

Career Counseling Through Therapie

The foundation of our therapeutic approach lies in asking our clients what is going on in your life now, where do you want to be, and how can we help you get there? Through the process of career counseling, our goal is to help you develop confidence in your professional trajectory, whether you’re in search of more financial stability, higher creative output, or a stronger sense of purpose in your work. 

What To Expect

No matter what your unique aspirations are, a career counselor can help you:

  • Gain greater satisfaction in your current role and/or determine if this job is still the right one
  • Experience less anxiety and negativity in the workplace
  • Ensure that your job doesn’t interfere with other aspects of your life
  • Create a sustainable, supportive professional environment


While therapy is individualized to the needs of each client, a big part of this process is identifying your unique skills and interests—and how those qualities could better intersect in your work life. Structured career assessments will help evaluate the elements of work you actually enjoy, as your therapist collaborates with you to enhance your motivation, whether in your job search or current role. 

In the process of doing this, you will better understand the limiting beliefs holding you back and learn how to challenge the inner voice of imposter syndrome that’s often telling you you’re incompetent or unworthy. 

Work SMARTer, Not Harder

Our approach to career counseling is grounded in research-backed methods, including Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), to help you navigate uncertainty with clarity, a strengths-based approach to leverage your unique talents, and insights from positive psychology to foster resilience, fulfillment, and lasting career satisfaction.

Once long-term career goals are established with your therapist, the two of you will work to develop a strategic plan that outlines your objectives and what is needed to achieve them, otherwise known as SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) Goals. 

Using this outline, you can create incremental milestones that will allow you to track your professional progress. We notice that smaller, more manageable steps like this help clients stay committed to the career counseling process as they slowly yet steadily re-establish a sense of fulfillment in their work. 

Finding satisfaction in work isn’t just for Leslie Knope or Buddy The Elf; it is possible to align your personal and professional goals in a harmonious way. With support and guidance from the career counselors at Therapie, you can gain the tools and perspectives you need to clarify your most authentic desires, make informed decisions, and work toward a future that excites and empowers you. 

Still Unsure If Career Counseling Is Right For You?

What if I don’t know what I’m good at or what I want to do next?

Before beginning the process of career counseling, many clients worry about a perceived lack of clear direction and/or unique strengths and skills. Our therapists approach this concern with curiosity and empathy, seeking to uncover your innermost interests, values, and abilities that may, at the moment, be obscured by fear and anxiety.

Career counseling is not about having all the answers right away, but rather the journey of exploration that will ultimately reveal transformational insights to help you make informed decisions.

What if I make the wrong career choice and regret it?

Professional decisions can feel like high-stakes choices, and in many instances, they are! It’s completely normal to worry about investing your time and resources only to realize that you’re still on the wrong path.

That said, career counseling offers an effective way to evaluate your many options and define what success truly means to you. By the end of this process, we want you to feel equipped to make the choices that are right for you, helping you to realize that every step is a learning opportunity that leads to growth—even if adjustments need to be made along the way.

Doesn’t it make me look incompetent to need career counseling?

No, and in fact, just the opposite is true! The higher up the organizational ladder you move, the more common it is to have someone in your corner to help you navigate your professional life and choices.

Our therapists view career counseling as a proactive investment in yourself and your future. This process is entirely confidential and judgment-free, offering the support and guidance you need to move forward with confidence.

Rise Above The Grind

Career counseling at Therapie is available for professional adults who may be struggling with burnout, barriers to advancement, or their career trajectory in general. For more information about how we can help, contact us or book a free consultation with one of our career counselors.

210 25th Ave N suite 601, Nashville, TN 37203