In the past, many people thought that men should be the breadwinners in a family, and women were assumed to be the natural caretakers. In this picture, men go off to work each morning while women stay home to care for the house and children.
Over time, women have gained more access to higher education and career opportunities. Today it’s far more common for women to occupy senior leadership positions and start their own companies. Despite this progress, gender inequality in the workplace persists. Women often have fewer opportunities for promotion, and they make less money than men on average.
If you’re noticing gender discrimination in your workplace, you’re not alone. Below are some effective techniques for responding to gender inequality at work.
Review Your Company Policies
Before making a report of inappropriate behavior, it can help to be aware of your company’s relevant policies and procedures. Take the time to review the employee handbook. This document will hopefully outline policies that are already in place to better protect you in situations like this. It should also describe the process and procedure for making a formal complaint.
Keep Track of Everything
If the behavior of your colleagues doesn’t align with your company policies, make an effort to keep track of the things they say and do that are at issue. Having a physical record of what happened can be more beneficial than trying to remember later on.
Keep track of any communications you’ve had, whether they were in person, by email, on the phone, or via text message. Keeping track of when these situations occurred, who was present, and what was said can help clarify and strengthen your report.
Report Concerns
When you feel ready, it’s important to report any concerns or complaints that you have. This is typically done with a supervisor or the human resources department. Taking the time to report something can initiate the necessary changes within your company, meaning you could also be helping others.
If you choose to report in person or verbally, make sure you take notes during the conversation. It may be beneficial to keep track of your concerns and complaints in writing. Following up with an email after an in-person meeting can help make sure everyone is on the same page and understands each other.
Influence Change
Whether or not you’re experiencing gender inequality in the workplace, you can advocate for change. Encourage your company and senior leaders to review and update company policies to ensure gender equality in the form of things like equal pay and work arrangements for parents. You can also encourage diversity training to help address stereotypes or unconscious bias.
Be an Ally
Developmental opportunities are instrumental in supporting all genders in advancing into their desired roles, careers, and leadership positions. Check to see if your company offers mentorship or sponsorship programs and consider becoming a mentor. Make sure you’re also taking the time to give credit where credit is due. You can lift others up by calling out the successes of your colleagues.
Get Professional Support
Most people spend a large portion of their life at work. If you feel unhappy at your workplace, it will likely have a major impact on your life. It’s important that you’re being treated with the respect and appreciation you deserve.
If you’re experiencing challenges in the workplace, a mental health professional can help provide a fresh perspective. By listening to your situation and offering feedback, they can equip you with tools and techniques to better manage your feelings. Reach out to learn more about LGBTQ therapy and how working with a mental health professional can help with gender inequality in the workplace.