Therapie | 210 25th Ave N suite 601, Nashville, TN 37203 | Call: (615) 551 9195

OCD Therapy

Caught In A Cycle Of Obsessive, Intrusive, And Relentless Thinking?

Ever feel like your anxiety is more than anxiety? Your thoughts are constant and intrusive, often creating a debilitating sense of urgency, distress, and guilt in your life. Your desire for a sense of control is insatiable—and you frequently think to yourself, if I can just overcome this one last hurdle, I’ll be set for good. 

Sure, you’ve developed certain strategies or coping mechanisms to quiet some of that inner turmoil—but now those same mechanisms have taken on a life of their own, generating thoughts and behaviors that you seem to have absolutely no agency over. On a logical level, you may understand the compulsions are irrational, yet you feel a need to engage with them anyway. 

It’s exhausting living this way. The mental energy of managing your anxiety is in and of itself draining, but add the physical tedium of performing rituals or engaging in compulsions—whether they be washing your hands, cleaning/rearranging your surroundings, or checking for the umpteenth time that the door is, in fact, locked—and you’re probably spent by the day’s end. 

As a result, your work or school performance may be lacking as you have a hard time maintaining focus. At home and in your social life, you likely feel isolated, struggle to connect, or encounter tension due to your need to engage in certain behaviors. Outwardly, you’re desperate to appear present and together, but inside is a constant battle against The Big Bad Cycle of anxiety and catastrophic thinking.

Is OCD To Blame For The Turmoil That You Feel Inside?

Whether you’ve been officially diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or suspect that you struggle with obsessive-compulsive behaviors, therapy can help you understand where your anxiety comes from, how it manifests, and what it needs to create less of a disruption in your life. Working with our OCD specialists at Therapie, you can find your way out of the cycle. 

Interested in OCD therapy? Send us a message!

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Hello Perfectionism, My Old Friend

Oftentimes, perfectionism is OCD in sheep’s clothing, and many of our successful, high-achieving clients experience immense pressure to perform at the highest level down to each and every detail. As much as we want to embrace the I-woke-up-like-this flawlessness of it all, the reality is that we simply cannot control every aspect of our lives. And try as we might to prepare for every possibility and obsess our way through every problem—part of treating OCD is recognizing that perfection is a myth. 

Unfortunately, our culture would have you think otherwise. Our society’s nose-to-the-grindstone approach to productivity exacerbates the pressure to perform and be perfect. Furthermore, we are armed with a false sense of control in the age of information overload, whether we’re looking to Dr. ChatGPT to diagnose our symptoms, hitting the refresh button on our email like our life depends on it, or turning to social media to present the most polished, ideal version of ourselves. Constant “checking” and doom scrolling tend to worsen OCD symptoms, once more feeding into The Big Bad Cycle. 

This is all to say that if you struggle with OCD symptoms, you are not alone, and there is nothing “wrong” with you! Your brain is just stuck in a backward system of punishment and reward. 

Through OCD treatment at Therapie, you can identify root causes, address fears, and learn to let go. Our therapists are here to help challenge the inner voice created by The Big Bad Cycle of OCD so that you can experience more peace and flexibility in your life. 

Therapie Offers Effective, Individualized Treatment For OCD

Beneath all of the behaviors, compulsions, and rituals, there is a why. Our job as therapists is to team up with you to figure out what that why is. 

As a practice, we are committed to helping our clients explore their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a way that soothes surface-level discomfort while offering long-term recovery. In therapy for OCD, our goal is to get you to a place where you see beyond compulsions as a means of relief so that you can challenge the fear or anxiety at the core of your behaviors and feel less distressed, disturbed, and disconnected. 

Part of this process will be to offer you psychoeducation about Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, how it creates a false sense of control, and what we can do in treatment to help you live more comfortably with uncertainty. Therapy teaches you what it takes to manage fears and anxieties in a way that doesn’t wreak so much havoc on your personal, professional, and social life. 

What To Expect

In therapy for OCD, you will learn:

  • Cognitive restructuring – using concepts from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and other behavioral approaches, you will develop skills for challenging black-and-white thinking to make room for a more realistic, balanced perspective. 
  • Mindfulness – as you enhance your awareness of the present moment, you will be able to better calm anxious thoughts and physical discomfort.
  • Distress tolerance – drawing from behavioral approaches and other therapeutic modalities, we will help you gently acclimate to feelings of fear, anxiety, and overwhelm in a way that doesn’t lead to compulsive behaviors. 
  • Self-compassion – in the process of becoming a more patient, empathetic friend to yourself, you can let go of the drive to be perfect. 
  • Communication and healthy relationship skills – developing effective techniques for communicating and implementing boundaries in therapy can help alleviate interpersonal stress caused by OCD. 
  • Exposure Therapy – through gradual and guided exposure to the situations, thoughts, or scenarios that provoke anxiety, tolerance is built and the intensity of emotional triggers is lessened in the safe, controlled environment of therapy. 

That inner voice of compulsion might tell you otherwise, but it is possible to break free of the cycle that OCD has trapped you in. With adequate support and using the skills you’ll gain through counseling, you can feel empowered to ensure that you are in charge of your destiny—not your OCD.

Still Unsure If Therapy For OCD Is Right For You?

I don’t have an official diagnosis of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

You do not need a formal OCD diagnosis to begin therapy. Many people without a diagnosis can nevertheless experience intrusive thoughts, compulsions, and anxieties that create significant disruptions in their lives.

At Therapie, we believe in meeting you wherever you are and focusing on what matters most: your wellbeing. While our therapists can help make an official diagnosis, our approach goes beyond labels. Beyond diagnostic criteria, we will explore the function of your thoughts and behaviors as you begin the process of envisioning what life would look like without the struggles created by OCD.

Ultimately, therapy is about helping you live a more fulfilling, balanced life, whether or not a diagnosis is present.

I’ve experienced OCD symptoms for so long; I’m not sure therapy can help.

We completely understand how daunting it can feel to take a gamble on counseling for OCD, especially when your symptoms have been calling the shots for years. But at Therapie, our highly individualized, evidence-based treatment approach yields great results among our clients struggling with OCD. Our aim is to help you get to the root of your OCD—and not just address surface-level thoughts, feelings, and compulsions—so that you can experience healing and long-term relief.

I’m not ready to give up my rituals just yet.

One of the biggest fears or misconceptions about therapy for OCD is that you will be expected to give up your rituals or routines immediately. Yet, at Therapie, our therapists take a compassionate and collaborative approach to OCD treatment, moving at a pace that feels comfortable for you. While treatment is designed to lessen anxiety and ultimately remove the need for compulsive behaviors, we will never push you beyond what feels manageable.

Find Your Way Out

The Big Bad Cycle wants nothing more than to blow your house down. But Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) treatment through Therapie can help you build a sturdy foundation to weather the storm of anxiety, uncertainty, and overwhelm. contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation with one of our OCD specialists.

210 25th Ave N suite 601, Nashville, TN 37203