Caught In A Cycle Of Obsessive, Intrusive, And Relentless Thinking?
Ever feel like your anxiety is more than anxiety? Your thoughts are constant and intrusive, often creating a debilitating sense of urgency, distress, and guilt in your life. Your desire for a sense of control is insatiable—and you frequently think to yourself, if I can just overcome this one last hurdle, I’ll be set for good.
Sure, you’ve developed certain strategies or coping mechanisms to quiet some of that inner turmoil—but now those same mechanisms have taken on a life of their own, generating thoughts and behaviors that you seem to have absolutely no agency over. On a logical level, you may understand the compulsions are irrational, yet you feel a need to engage with them anyway.
It’s exhausting living this way. The mental energy of managing your anxiety is in and of itself draining, but add the physical tedium of performing rituals or engaging in compulsions—whether they be washing your hands, cleaning/rearranging your surroundings, or checking for the umpteenth time that the door is, in fact, locked—and you’re probably spent by the day’s end.
As a result, your work or school performance may be lacking as you have a hard time maintaining focus. At home and in your social life, you likely feel isolated, struggle to connect, or encounter tension due to your need to engage in certain behaviors. Outwardly, you’re desperate to appear present and together, but inside is a constant battle against The Big Bad Cycle of anxiety and catastrophic thinking.
Is OCD To Blame For The Turmoil That You Feel Inside?
Whether you’ve been officially diagnosed with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) or suspect that you struggle with obsessive-compulsive behaviors, therapy can help you understand where your anxiety comes from, how it manifests, and what it needs to create less of a disruption in your life. Working with our OCD specialists at Therapie, you can find your way out of the cycle.