Men aren’t as likely to ask for help or support as women are. You’ve probably seen a scene in a movie or TV show with a father figure on a family road trip, refusing to ask for help with directions despite being lost.
A lot of boys and men have been raised according to outdated social stigmas and stereotypes. They may have been raised to be the breadwinners and caregivers of their families. When they’re sick, they might be told to suck it up. When they’re hurt, they might be told to rub some dirt on it. Some men may have even been told that crying is for girls.
No matter how they were raised, the truth is that a lot of men aren’t as willing to ask for help as women are. But the truth is that not asking for help can often make things more challenging. There are many reasons why it’s okay to ask for help as a man.
It Improves Overall Mental Health and Wellness
A lot of men avoid reaching out for help even when they know they need it out of fear of being judged or viewed as weak. Instead of seeking support, they’ll start to withdraw from loved ones or self-isolate, which can worsen the problems they’re dealing with.
Asking for help can actually improve one’s overall mental health and wellness. Connection is one of the most important parts of the human experience, and reaching out to others only strengthens the connections in your life. Getting help will also reduce the amount of time you spend struggling.
It Strengthens Relationships
Relationships involve a little give and take. It’s all about finding balance and compromise. You can’t expect to be the one constantly giving while the other person is taking or vice versa. This is especially true in romantic relationships.
When you’re able to open up to your partner, you show them that you fully trust them by sharing vulnerable information that you wouldn’t normally share. These types of interactions can strengthen a relationship and increase intimacy.
It Shows You’re Interested in Personal Development
Did you know that high performers are more likely to seek advice? High performers are constantly wanting to grow and evolve. One of the best ways to do this is by receiving feedback and advice from like-minded individuals.
No one is perfect. You’re not expected to have all of the answers in life. Try not to hold yourself to standards so high that they’re impossible to reach. Instead of thinking of seeking advice or help as a sign that you are not good or smart enough, try to remember that it is a learning and growing opportunity.
You Will Become More Resilient
Life is filled with ups and downs—there will be both good days and bad days. During those challenging days, there may be situations or scenarios in which you’re unsure of what to do, or you may even be unsure of yourself.
Instead of looking at these types of situations as simply bad days, try to view them as opportunities. Not knowing something just means that there’s an opportunity to learn new information and grow. Overcoming challenges can increase your optimism and prove that you have the resilience to tackle and accomplish different tasks.
Get the Help You Need
It’s okay to ask for help, and gender has absolutely nothing to do with it. If you need help, ask for it. Asking for help isn’t a sign of weakness. In fact, it’s often a sign of strength.
If you need extra help or support, don’t hesitate to reach out for men’s therapy. We’re here to support you however you may need it. Reach out today to set up an initial consultation.