Listening to Your Heart: How to Identify What You Truly Want in Love

You’ve probably heard the old saying, “Listen to your heart.” But what does it really mean when it comes to love and relationships?
How to Find a Couples Therapist in Nashville, TN

When the harmony of your relationship hits a sour note, where do you turn? Discovering how to find a couples therapist can be the lifeline your partnership needs.
10 Fun and Creative Couples Therapy Exercises for Reconnecting

Your relationship sometimes feels like there’s a disconnect. It can be unsettling, but at the same time, it can be an invitation to grow closer. What can you do to find that spark again?
Why You Should Consider Marriage Counseling in Nashville

About 41% of first marriages end in divorce. For many happy couples, this sobering statistic seems unrealistic. How is it that close to half of all partnerships end this way?
How to Ask for Reassurance From Your Partner

In every relationship, moments of doubt and feeling insecure can arise. This can leave us longing for reassurance from our partners.
Resentment in Relationships: Understanding, Healing and Moving Forward

Do you feel a lingering bitterness in your relationship, something that feels like a small ember of discontent burning quietly in the background?
How to Deal With Trauma Triggers in a Relationship

If you’re wondering how to deal with trauma triggers in a relationship, you’re not alone.
How to Meet the Communication Needs of Your Partner

Studies show that most relationships fail as a result of poor communication. That’s right, when it comes to the success of your partnership, communication is key.
Behind Closed Doors: What Happens at Couples Counseling?

Have you recently gotten married, or are you preparing for a big transition in your life and looking for additional support as a couple?
Your Guide to Developing Healthy Communication Styles in Relationships

There are a few different factors to consider when it comes to maintaining healthy communication styles in relationships.