Coordinating Life Goals With Your Partner Makes You More Likely to Achieve Them
Every person in the world has a unique personality, with hopes, dreams, and goals for their life. These goals could be related to your love life, like your hopes to get married and start a family.
How to Find a Supportive LGBTQ+ Community
Connections are essential for one’s overall mental health and wellness. It’s part of human survival and can be as important as other basic human needs like food, water, and shelter.
How to Help Your Seasonal Depression Symptoms
It’s that time of year again when the days feel cold, dark, and dreary. If only the weather was the only thing affected by the seasonal changes.
What is Seasonal Depression (SAD)?
Swimsuits, tank tops, shorts, and flip-flops are packed away. Summer has slipped away. It’s time to bust out pants, long sleeves, coats, hats, and mittens for a new season.
How to Help Soothe an Anxiety Attack
Anxiety can feel like a hand slowly creeping in to touch you. But as it gets closer and closer, it starts to pull more and more from you until you have nothing left to give.
How to Help Seasonal Depression
Each year, when the temperature starts to drop, your mood and energy levels start to show the same pattern.
How to Stop Anxious Thoughts
Anxious thoughts can sneak up on you out of nowhere. Maybe it’s that sinking feeling in your stomach, a sudden sense of worry, or a racing mind that just won’t quit.
What Causes Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal and common emotion that a lot of individuals experience throughout their lifetime. Anxiety can start at any age, but people tend to feel it more as they grow up.
A Closer Look at What Causes Anxiety
Anxiety is a common emotion that can look and feel like uneasiness or fear. It’s the body’s natural response to stressful situations or life events.
The Art of Healing: Creative Methods for Processing Trauma
After going through a traumatic event, it can be difficult to talk about it. Going through it once was more than enough, and you don’t want to keep reliving it repeatedly by talking about what you went through.